At 10:30 this morning I got my bird in the air once again, only this time running the new Electronic Ignition from SDS Ignition Management. After a pre-approved clearance to get above the airport for racetrack pattern testing I climbed out toward my planned 7000-7500 foot pattern staying east of the airport. I ran the engine full power for the complete 1 hour session and everything ran perfect. Airport elevation is 3960 ft and the temperature at 7000 ft was 2.2 degrees C. I ended up spending most of my testing at 7000 feet. I am realizing 100 more RPM from my engine at full power static on the ground tests. As a result I am now getting higher RPM in cruise and thus higher airspeed. It is a bit early to tell but I am seeing almost 10 more mph indicated at this altitude and temperature. My previous max RPM's would be around 2950 and now I am seeing 3000 - 3180 rpm.
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