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(Cochrane Alberta Canada) Follow recent flights at: https://aprs.fi/cgmbk *******************Also YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfxJXIwvmfNlNF3gwplFw7Q

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Burning fossil fuels to Medicine Hat Alberta

Yes it is time to fly somewhere for lunch.  Been here before but they have a great lunch counter inside the airport terminal.  It is voted best Sunday brunches in the city of Medicine Hat.  I needed to fly and wanted to get another handle on how the engine runs on longer legs.  Very happy with the results as Oil temp, pressure, CHT temp's , and fuel burn were all exceptionally good.  This little Revmaster 65 hp engine is continuing to amaze me.  With the new heads and larger ports for exhaust and intake it has been well worth while to do the upgrade when I was looking at rebuilding the top end.  I flew at 5500 SE bound and 6500 ft on the return leg home.  Morning temps were at 15 degrees C and afternoon temps were 27 degrees leaving Medicine Hat.  The return flight however gave a nice cool breeze in the cockpit as the 6500 ft temperature was at 17.3 degrees C and very comfortable.  Duration of flights was 1.7 to Medicine Hat and 1.6 hr returning home.  I ran the engine a bit slower at 2940 rpm this day as I was not in any hurry.  Speeds for this day were only slightly slower at a average of 122 mph.  My slow decent returning south of Calgary had me going 143 mph.  I am very happy with the speeds and only burning 3.9 gallons per hour including all taxiing and run up time.

I am moved into my new space now and have both of my homebuilt planes in the same hangar.  The Bonanza is renting space in the corner and has not moved since October 2010.